A Brief History of Bluedevs

Bluedevs began as just the meager Blue Penguin Development Team (BPDT or BluePenguinDT). Gradually it evolved from a small group of 2 or 3 friends who wanted to mess around with a forum to a large team developing for fun. All of us at bluedevs work together, regardless of race, culture, religion, politics, gender, or any other boundary, Bluedevs is a very team with people from around the world coming from various places centralized around a single gold, a single idea, and kind community.

~Techwizrd, founder of Bluedevs


Techwizrd states that Bluedevs was originally started as a small forum just to be able to talk to friends who had moved, he didn't see regularily, and to communicate with friends when he felt like it. So, on October 11, 2006, The first Blue Penguin Development Team Forum was created.

The forum underwent many changes (see the forum page for more), and accumulated members as time passed by.

This wiki was created in March of 2007, although not publicly editable until Techwizrd, being badgered by Mephiles the Dark, set it as such in December 2007.

unofficial bluedevs media

Klucktest- the zetaboards forum Techwizrd made to demonstrate zetaboards


(For other members and more, see the members list)
The adminstrators of Bluedevs:

TechWizrd-The major administrator of the bluedevs sites. Ninja skillz!

BobTheFerret- Another admin. fear his BANzooka.

MushroomDude-Your Friendly Neighbourhood MushroomDude

This thing right here is called an Admin.

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